
Oracle database mac
Oracle database mac

  • Catnap Persistence Layer v.1.0 Catnap is a lightweight Java persistence layer which stores and retrieves objects from an Oracle database using PL/SQL.
  • The implementation of primary key, replication triggers and multiple conflict resolution methods is included.
  • Repgen Repgen generates the scripts required to setup and monitor an Oracle database Advanced Replication installation.
  • It comes with console and SWT GUI version. OraPLSQLExporter - exports PLSQL objects and view from multiple schemas at one into directory structure.
  • Oracle Utilities v.0.02 Collection of utilities for Oracle database users.
  • Oracle database mac driver#

    The driver offers unprecedented ease of use and compatibility Use Excel and FileMaker Pro to Connect to Your.

  • Actual ODBC Driver for Oracle v.2.6 The Actual ODBC Driver for Oracle lets you use Microsoft Excel and FileMaker Pro to import data from your companys Oracle database.
  • So Oracle can work towards that and make it more user friendly. So few things I think that can be improved in terms of user friendliness. So you need to use that export utility of that version, where you want to migrate, but that's not the case in sometimes with other database, where you just right click and you get the export and import, but here is a kind of not the kind of user interface where you right click and you get that data. So there are some compatibility problem also which you need to figure out. For example, if you want to migrate from 10G to 11G or 12C. And then you go to other database and then import, and sometimes, there is problems when you want to migrate. You need to run that export data pump, export that file. So for example, if you want to take a backup off of the Oracle database, it's not very straightforward. So they have sometimes you just right click kind of user-friendly and it's not, you need some kind of expertise. Like, it's not really very user-friendly like if I compare with other databases. I mean, really it has great advantages, but it has few things I really don't like and I think these are the improvement areas for Oracle. So these are great features, I would say about Oracle database.Ībout Oracle database. So there is no need to define any, partition or any indexing is Oracle database going to take care of it. Like, it can create self indexing, it can create partitioning. Now they have come up with the option of, like in Oracle cloud, autonomous database, which has really great features. It has good performance, good scalability. Like, as I said, bulk binding, bulk collect, exchange partitioning, table spaces, one of the great feature it has. You have like partitioning where you can load data in terms of partitioning, like exchange partitioning is the option you can use when you want to load data from one large table to another table. You can load millions of records from one source to another source. So like this Oracle sequel language is really powerful. It has many features, like you can use bulk collect, bulk binding. It can load millions of records in a few minutes. It's been more than, I think 15 years I have been working on Oracle database and it's like if you compare with other databases, the performance of Oracle database is really great. So I think that's the good about Oracle database that can solve our problem. Even if you want to have your data warehouse environment, you can use that autonomous data warehouse as well. It's good for from mid-size to large size. So this autonomous database is helping a lot. Or you create a job to trace that Oracle table space and find out, "Okay, this database table space is full." So we were kind of trying to solve that problem where sometimes it's hard to manage that database because sometime maybe Oracle table spaces is full, you go and check it manually. There's no need to monitor your Oracle autonomous database. It can detect if there's any problem and it can repair itself. So it's a kind of intelligent database, less human intervention required. So they kind of have a flavor for no sequel and just plain OLTP system. Another one is like using for OLTP system. So that autonomous database comes in two flavor. So there are options like you can use database cloud service, or you can use their autonomous database. So we came to know about Oracle Cloud, where you can migrate your data to Oracle Cloud from on premises. We are working for a client where we are looking for an option where less human intervention is required for maintaining Oracle database. I will rate four out of five to the Oracle database. I'm working as a technology architect with an IT company.

    Oracle database mac